Chili Pot Luck Lunch
4343 Regional Road 25
September 3rd, after the service
Contact Us With Questions
Join us for a Chili Pot Luck Lunch!
We will provide chili and buns and drink (at no charge!) Please bring a salad or a dessert for the pot-luck table if you can.
We will pass around clipboards for sign-up the next 3 Sunday’s… if you won’t be here to sign the sheets on Sunday please email Sue with the number of people who will be attending and what you will bring (a salad or a dessert)
We will provide chili and buns and drink (at no charge!) Please bring a salad or a dessert for the pot-luck table if you can.
We will pass around clipboards for sign-up the next 3 Sunday’s… if you won’t be here to sign the sheets on Sunday please email Sue with the number of people who will be attending and what you will bring (a salad or a dessert)